Financial Peace Begins with a Solid Foundation

To put it simply, we help moms find financial freedom in their business

Bookkeeping Services

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the ever-growing to-do list for your business finances? The never-ending pile of receipts... The time spent entering everything only to question if you are even doing it right to begin with...

Say goodbye to the DIY and all the bookkeeping headaches so you can focus on what matters most - your business and your family!

No matter what stage of business you're in, our bookkeeping services are designed to simplify your business finances and equip you with the tools to grow sustainably.

What's Included?

  • Full Monthly Bookkeeping

    • Entering all business transactions (including bank, credit cards, Stripe, PayPal, etc.)

    • Reconciling all business accounts (including merchant services like Stripe, Square, etc.)

    • A thorough review of your financial reports

  • Receipt Management

  • Subcontractor (1099) tracking

  • Financial report package so you know exactly where your business stands

  • Financial Analysis Meetings to review your financial reports together and to discuss upcoming goals, ways to improve and streamline your business, potential investment opportunities, adding new team members, and so much more!

  • Any-time access to all your documents, statements, and reports in your secure client folder

Packages starting at $347 per month

Financial Management

For the mom who craves more! Our financial management services go beyond regular bookkeeping and involve strategic financial management and decision-making to help your business grow sustainably.

Each package includes everything from the monthly bookkeeping package plus one or more of the services listed below. These packages are customized to fit your unique business's needs.

What's Included?

  • Invoice Management - (accounts receivable)

  • Bill Management - (accounts payable)

  • Payroll Management

  • Sales Tax Filing

  • Project Tracking & Class Tracking

  • Cash Flow Management

  • Budgeting

  • Financial Forecasting

  • Customized Reporting

  • Financial Analysis Meeting

Clean Up Services

Mama, there is no judgement here! Maybe you attempted to DIY, but things didn't quite go as planned. Or maybe you haven't even thought about your bookkeeping all year...

No matter how far behind, or how messy they seem, we specialize in putting all the puzzle pieces together to get your books up to date, organized, accurate, and easy to understand!

What's Included?

  • Review & assessment of your current books or set up of new QuickBooks Online account

  • Full historical bookkeeping

    • We will get your books completely caught up by entering all business transactions (including bank, credit cards, Stripe, PayPal, etc.)

    • We will ensure everything is accurate and clean by reconciling all business accounts (including merchant services like Stripe, Square, etc.)

  • A thorough review/analysis of the catch-up period where we dive into the details to give you key insights into your business.

  • Financial reports sent to you and ready to hand over to your tax preparer

  • 1:1 Review call to go over your financial reports, answer any questions, and decide what the next best steps are for you and your business

*Price varies depending on months behind/support needed

What Clients Are Saying...


Frequently Asked Questions

When should I hire a bookkeeper?

Bookkeeping is a non-negotiable. At a minimum, you have to have accurate information to file a tax return. Not to mention, applying for any type of business credit will require two years of clean/accurate financial reports and business tax returns.

It’s likely time to hire some help if:

- Your books are never up to date

- Your CPA/tax preparer does your bookkeeping once a year

- Tax time is extremely stressful

- Your cash flow is unpredictable

- Sales have increased but your profits haven’t

- You have no clear financial picture

- You aren’t paying yourself

Why do I need a bookkeeper if I have a CPA?

Bookkeeping is more than taxes.

Yes, at a minimum, bookkeeping is a necessary part of tax filing.

However, if you only do your bookkeeping to file your tax return, your missing out on so many benefits!

To name a few, bookkeeping:

- Provides a clear view of your business's financial health

- Let's you strategize and plan for your business's future

- Helps you save AND generate more money

- Protects you in an audit

- Helps you obtain a loan and other business funding

- Catches errors and fraud

- Helps you pay yourself consistently


What if my books are a mess (or non-existent)?

There is ZERO judgment here.

Cleaning up your bookkeeping before seeking help is like cleaning your house before the housekeeper comes.

My specialty is taking something that is messy, inefficient, and overwhelming, and turning it into something clean, accurate, and streamlined.

I love putting the pieces of the puzzle together, improving systems and processes, and creating a solid foundation to move forward on.

Do you offer tax services?

No, we do not handle taxes for you, but we’re happy to refer you to some of our favorite tax preparers!

What information do I need to share?

Ideally, our bookkeeping team will need access to your business bank and credit card accounts, point of sales systems, and payroll service providers. Many of these systems allow accountant (read-only) access to offer higher security. All of your credentials are stored securely through 1Password. This access helps us keep our fees affordable and our efficiency high, not to mention, it saves you time from pulling all of this information each month.

Is QuickBooks Online required?

Yes. Our team only uses QuickBooks Online to handle the bookkeeping tasks at the price listed above. Accepted versions include essentials, plus, or advanced.

If you don’t have a subscription, we can set it up with a 30-day free trial plus a 30% discount for 12 months.

Let's grow your business together!

Palms ProBooks LLC

“Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled. They are the ones who never give up despite the struggles.”

- Sharon Jaynes

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